Hi Godfrey,
Best regards, Gary
“Discover,” by Gary Beck is watching the world change and at the same time it stays the same. Discover the difference of education urban or rural or radicals quoting Martin Luther King. And for the generations all the more head strong we are in the same whirlwind as Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz. Lucky for us we watched the march to madness while others woke up in it and it’s all they know.
“People dog walking
sitting on the grass, eating, reading, texting,
comfortable and relaxed,
as if it’s not America ravaged by Covid-19,
angrily divided by political factions
that prefer collapse
to compromise.
(The Park)
“The life of the city
Relies on
No matter who dies
things will go on,
as long as the wheels
that make things run
keep turning.”
Gary and I chatted a few times during covid always a quip and a contribution to my publication. At the time and since then I’d he was plain spoken and bold with his words. I looked at it as if he was telling the American story that many dictators/governors wanted to bury. Meanwhile we still had to find a way to live.
“After showing I.D.,
insurance card, I’m busy filling out forms;
name, address, age,
a zillion health questions,
page after page
of personal info,
race, creed…
Well not creed.
There are still some limits to hospital intrusions,
As long as you can pay.”
“The Governor of Texas
forbidding censorship, signed a bill, banning
social media platforms
from removing posts because of political views.
Under the new rules
Facebook and Twitter
can’t remove or moderate
a users post.
Private citizens can sue
social media companies for violating the law
as long as they live in Texas.
(The Eyes of Texas…)
“Corporate America
sits in their boardrooms
determining policies
to increase their profits,
a consistent process
that overshadows
many other concerns.
The recent initiative
to increase taxes
that actually aren’t paid
will easily be deflected
by indentured legislators
eager to do the bidding
of remote masters,
rewarding obedience
with position, power, comforts,
as the growing separation
between haves and have nots
is carefully engineered
preserving the privileged,
deaccesing the people.”
(National Interests)
The pandemic wasn’t the only thing going worldwide. Protests, conflicts and all eyes on U.S.
“My stubborn son
refused to listen to me.
‘Don’t worry, Papa.
The Americans promised
to take us with them
When they leave’.
My headstrong daughter
Refused to listen to me:
‘Don’t worry, Papa,
I’ll be alright
Working for the Americans.
They’ll be here for a long time
And it’s a great opportunity
for me to have a career
as a translator.
The Americans promised
To take us with them
if they left.
Surely we can trust them
Not to abandon us.”
These are some that reached out to me as a poet. If you’re a lover of poetry and history there is much to discover before your neighborhood library decides to ban it. It is a roller coaster of moods as the world is consuming itself we still have to worry about the small things that become large because of what we don’t know any won’t ever be told in our lifetimes. Keep this on your bookshelf like a holy book because it is as I said before the more things change the more they stay the same.
Godfrey Logan
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