
Monday, April 13, 2020

A Five Year Journey JD Dehart

“Then the day I found out that everyone at the table was a liar, discovering how their stories would begin as a rib bone.” (Now You Know). A Five Year Journey by JD DeHart is a taut and moving collection of poetry. “I have been written into position, hedged by words and experience,” a feeling held by any writer when he/she puts pen to page having a story to tell. In this case a five year journey of “isms and regions embodied in a few phrases.” As one who has read and published a few of Mr. DeHarts work in this collection I am pleased to review this collection. What I love is every word in its place and well worded. That every piece in this collection was meant for this collection. Well thought out as in “Rapt.” ‘Holding the mind as in vise (not an easy task), a bit of engagement will do. Mixing the metaphor, sound, bright blinking picture.’ There are many in this book to find favorites. However many I could pick that stand out to me it is like a mirror that for every one there is another one just as good.

Godfrey Logan
Chicago Record

A Five Year Journey - JD DeHart


 In 2012, I was teaching English and writing scraps here and there when I felt somewhat

inspired. Before that, I usually threw first drafts away and never bothered to share or submit 

much many. 

My first dabble into writing was in the 1990s, with a “Writer’s Market” and an arsenal of

stamps and envelopes at my disposal. I had a few successes, but the process was long and I was

still honing my skills. In the early 2000s, I went on a sort of unofficial creative hiatus. Today,

I’m still not sure why.

 My family always encouraged me to write, and my wife suggested that I begin writing

again. She has always been a supporter of my work, and has helped me become a better writer.

So, I began submitting more. I made use of new tools and new spaces to expand my writing. I

also made use of what I had learned over the years to improve my work.

 This is the second collection of poetry I have put together. The first, “The Truth About

Snails,” was written during a break from my classroom work and mostly consisted of poems

inspired by science fiction. It was published in 2014 by Red Dashboard.

 “A Five Year Journey” is, in many ways, a more personal collection. There are a few

poems here that have been featured around the web and in various publications over the years,

but the majority of these poems are new. They contain reflections on beliefs, teaching, and

writing, as well as notes on life in general.

 I am continuing my journey as a writer, and I hope you enjoy reading what I have

gathered here.